About Me

Raised by a family of artists and designers, Rachel Bennett has been creating artistic works and practicing her design skills her whole life. 

Rachel Bennett is an award-winning artist and has experience designing in-house for companies such as Paramount Pictures and NBC Universal. She also has agency experience and works on a wide range of freelance projects that include logo design, illustration, movie poster design, album cover art, photography, fine art, social media marketing and the list goes on.

She graduated from the University of Southern California with a BA in Art & Design and a Minor in the Cinematic Arts. She was fortunate enough to collaborate with exceptionally talented peers on many exciting endeavors and learn from mentors that are at the top of their professions. 

Rachel is always looking for opportunities to grow and evolve as an artist and as a person. Driven by a passion for film, art, and design, she continues to push herself and find inspiration to transcend the mundane and envision a truly exciting future.

If you have any questions, or job inquiries, please contact Rachel. She’d be more than happy to talk or even grab a coffee. 



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